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Home School Agreement

The Fountain School operates a home-school agreement. This outlines what we consider parents' responsibilities to be, and it clearly states where the school's responsibilities lie.

We expect the document to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school – at the start of the new academic year.


Section 1 -Parent/Guardian


I/we will make every effort to ensure that:

  1. My/our daughter attends school regularly and where possible does not take holidays or other ‘days off’ during term time. I/we will provide reasons for absences before the event or immediately thereafter upon her return.

  2. My/our daughter arrives at school on time, in the correct uniform and properly equipped. I/we understand that my/our daughter will be detained if she is late to school, for the amount of minutes she is late.

  3. The school is informed about any concerns or problems that might affect my daughter’s academic and religious progress or behaviour.

  4. The school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour are supported including same day after-school detention.

  5. My/our daughter is supported with coursework, homework, preparation for examinations.

  6. I/we will attend parents’ consultation sessions and/or talk with staff about our daughter’s progress. I/we will respond to letters and other information about our daughter’s progress and examination entries.

  7. My/our daughter will be encouraged to become involved in some of the many opportunities provided by the school e.g. educational trips and visits, fieldwork exercises, examination revision sessions.

  8. My/our daughter understands the need to keep the school environment clean, tidy and safe.

  9. I/we will pay for the replacement of school property/equipment my child damages or loses.

  10. I/we will pay the school fees on the due date together with examination fee entries for the GCSE subjects for which she has been entered for.

  11.  I/we understood that I/we are liable legally, jointly or severably, to pay the school’s full years academic fees on enrolling our child for the current academic year irrespective of whether she completes the said year due to withdrawing our child or expulsion.

  12. I/we agree to provide the school with at least one terms notice if I/we decide to withdraw our child from the school.

  13. I/we agree to set a good example by talking politely with other adults and children and also creating an Islamic Environment at home as reasonably possible.

  14. I/we will read and sign the student homework diary every week.

  15. I/we agree to ensure that our contact details are up-to-date and I/we will let the school know if our contact details change.

  16. I/we agree to support the school’s approach to online safety and follow the guidance given about online safety at home aswell.

  17. I/we understand the school timings can change to certain circumstances such as Ramadan. I/ we will be prepared to pick or drop my child at the required times.

Section 2 - Student


I will make every effort to:

  1. Attend all registrations and lessons regularly, punctually, properly equipped and in school uniform.

  2. Discuss any problems or concerns relevant to school with members of staff.

  3. Co-operate with the school Code of Conduct and the school policies which concern me.

  4. Complete all homework and assignments set and hand them in by the deadlines.

  5. Keep my parents informed of all school activities such as coursework deadlines, parents’ consultations, examination timetables and out of school activities and deliver home any school letter.

  6. Be a positive and active member of the school and where possible take part in some of the many opportunities made available by the school.

  7. Keep the school and its grounds clean, leave all rooms tidy and pleasant and I will not deliberately abuse or damage school property.

  8. Fulfill all my religious obligations, including reading Salaah on time at school and at home and refrain from haram.

  9. Behave in a courteous and respectful manner to all staff members and fellow students.

  10. Will not eat chewing gum inside the school or on its grounds.

  11. Keep my homework diary up to date with homework and targets and show it to school staff if requested.

  12. Have my homework diary signed every week by my parent.

  13. Behave responsibly both at the school and travelling to and from the school.

  14. Support the school approach to online safety and be responsible for my behaviour when using ICT in school and outside school.

  15. Not bring to school a phone or smart device.

Section 3 -The School

We will make every effort to inshallah:

  1. Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality, uniform or equipment.

  2. Listen to any parent and/or student concerns and respond promptly to any letters or telephone calls.

  3. Inform parents about any concerns or problems that affect their daughter’s progress or behaviour.

  4. Consistently and fairly apply the school disciplinary code, school rewards and any disciplinary action.

  5. Set, assess and monitor class work, coursework and homework and we provide support for the satisfactory completion of the work.

  6. Set challenging targets for students to aspire to and review them regularly.

  7. Send regular information home about progress and academic achievement and arrange parents’ consultations during which progress will be discussed.

  8. Provide a safe, clean, well-equipped, attractive and Islamic learning environment.

  9. Contact home immediately if students are to be detained more than 15 minutes after the end of the school day.

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